What do I do when I don’t like a song?

I don’t like a lot of worship music. That’s okay. Music is not the only way to worship. I worship in other ways, so if I don’t connect with a worship song, I am not a bad person.

However, I don’t want to remain judgmental during musical worship times. Instead of completely shutting down when a song comes on that I don’t like, I’m looking for better ways to connect with musical worship.

Here’s some ideas I’ve found work for me:

  1. Watch the band. Often, I don’t like a song for the cheesy lyrics or sing-songy melody. So I stop singing (cause really I’m just going through the motions) and watch the band. One Sunday, the band did one of my least favorite songs. The music is actually pretty cool. My husband was playing that week, and the bass line in the song is CRA-ZY. He practiced it for weeks to get it right. So instead of getting swept up in “I hate this song!” I watched my talented husband tear it up on bass and realized that was his way to worship that morning.
  2. Close my eyes and focus on God. What a novel idea.
  3. Remember that I’m not going to like every song. The person next to me might love it. Let them have their song.
  4. Look for even the smallest thing in the song that I can connect with. It might be just one line of lyrics from a verse, a cool drum beat, or a neat chord progression.
  5. Thank God for the talented group of musicians that is up there. (Many of them are friends of mine.)
  6. Take deep breaths. This helps in a lot of situations.
  7. Remember it’s not all about me.

What are some ways you connect with worship songs that are hard to connect with?

7 Replies to “What do I do when I don’t like a song?”

    1. Y’know, I used to think that daydreaming was bad. Like, when I would pray and my brain would drift off to something else. I felt like I needed to stay focused. Then I heard it said somewhere to let your brain go, because it might be that God is directing your thoughts. So maybe daydreaming isn’t all bad. Unless you’re planning on where to go to lunch after worship. That’s probably not God directed.

      1. That would be my daydreaming…. where are we going to eat, are the Braves playing on TV today, do I need to pick up something from Walmart…. You know all that important stuff.

  1. I just play my guitar and look spiritual and try not to yawn. Or just flirt with my g/f across the platform. It’s not really worshipful, but people seem to enjoy it.

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