
Some big changes are beginning for me. This week, I start a new job. I'm excited, nervous, and eager to see what the future holds. While I've been transitioning out of the old job and getting ready for the new one, my brain has been all over, and my writing time and energy have been waning.

For the next month or so, I will be “down-sizing” my posts to once a week. I will post each Monday. It may be original content from my overworked brain, or it may be articles I find interesting that I want to share. It may be old blog posts that I re-share because I just have no energy to post anything new.

I'm continuing to process through some things regarding worship and Christianity, and I hope to continue to share those thoughts. I appreciate those of you who have stuck with me and continue to read. You all are awesome.


6 Replies to “Changes”

  1. It’s amazing how exhausting changes like that can be. Today is my last day at my current job, and all the goodbyes are going to absolutely drain me. Then I have to pick myself up and get ready to learn all the new stuff tomorrow.

  2. Congrats Jamie! I work just down the street from you. Very picturesque, make sure you get out for a walk from time to time and enjoy the scenery.

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