When someone worships “better” than you

You know what I do far too often in life? Compare myself to others. I was guilty of it while pursuing my music degree, feeling vocally insignificant compared to the operatic powerhouses that surrounded me. I’m guilty of it online, comparing how many likes one of my comments got to another commenter. I’m guilty of it in worship too.

As a worship leader, I’ll compare my leading to another leader. They’re smiling more. They raise their hands over their heads to encourage the congregation without dropping their guitar (sure, it’s on a strap, but that sucker’s gonna slide if I take my hand off the neck). They’re practically dancing behind their mike stand. My leading seems so simplistic compared with theirs.

I compare myself to other worshipers. The people in the front row are dancing and raising their hands and I’m just standing here. They’re worshiping better, or harder than me.

I’ve shared how I’m learning there is no right way to worship. I’ve shared how I’m done feeling guilty for not worshiping a certain way. Now, I’m done comparing myself to other worshipers.

Have you ever compared yourself in worship?

4 Replies to “When someone worships “better” than you”

  1. Only when I have said to my self… Oh no! I am not going to raise my hands and sway. NO NO NO… Please let me slip to another pew… I do not want that person to turn to me and grab my hands and raise them up…. I know it might look like I am jumping a pew in worship… but really I am just running away!

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