Time to be thankful!

It’s the first Monday of the month, which means it’s time for another gratitude list. It’s been a really rough month for me. I’ve spent the last week pretty much wallowing in self pity. The last thing I want to do is be thankful. Which means it’s a perfect time to be. Or at least try.

Here’s what I’m thankful for this month:

1. My comfy couch. I haven’t been feeling great this past week, and every time I’m sick, I’m reminded of how much I love my couch. It’s big, soft, cozy, and makes me feel better.

2. Medical treatments. I had a tube put in my ear last week in an effort to help the Eustachian tube dysfunction that’s been plaguing me for some time. Unfortunately, the tube hasn’t helped yet. In fact, it’s made me feel worse. I’ve been moping around all week and dwelling on how bad I feel. But really, I’m blessed that I have the opportunity to even have these medical treatments. There are so many people around the world that can’t afford basic medicine, and here I can have a doctor plug a tube in my ear in less than five minutes.

3. My husband. I think this man makes every one of my gratitude lists. This month I’m thankful for how he takes care of me. Even though my tube procedure was a simple one that I could have driven myself to, he drove me to and from the doctor’s office (mainly cause he knows I’m a major wuss) and has taken such good care of me since.

4. Coffee with friends. I love meeting friends for coffee and just catching up on life.

5. God taking care of me. Ever have those situations in life where you don’t really like the outcome, but you can see God’s hand in the midst of it all? Yup, been one of those months.

6. Books. I’m finally reading the Harry Potter series and I love reading a really good book and getting totally swept away in the story.

7. My co-workers. My job tends to stress me out, but I’m reminded daily of the awesome people I work with. They make the work place fun, and on those really bad days: bearable.

8. Air conditioning. As summer heat kicks into high gear, I am incredibly thankful for the luxury that we just can’t live without anymore.

9. The Olympics! If you’re going to pick a week to be sick, do it during the Olympics! As I’ve been crashed on my comfy couch I’ve caught up on fun stuff like gymnastics, water polo, beach volleyball, and synchronized swimming. All sorts of sports that I never knew I wanted to watch…

10. My crock pot. I love throwing stuff in and having dinner ready when I get home. It’s been especially great this week, with my energy level so low.

What are you thankful for this month?

10 Replies to “Time to be thankful!”

  1. 1. Things are moving on my dream sooner than I has
    hoped or expected.

    2. FlyLady, helping me get decluttered and organized

    3. God’s prefect arranging of events, especially when I
    can’t see what going. I have
    opportunities to trust Him.

    4. That I have a job.

    5. My dog, an angel
    in fur, cutest dog on the planet. J

    6. Friends who
    understand my crazy dream talk and struggles to move forward in it.

    7. Doctors who know
    what’s wrong and helping me obtain a better level of health.

    8. Friendships that
    have stood the tests of time and distance.

    9. Rest

    10. God’s ever present self.

  2. I have just read two great books; Divergent
    and Insurgent. I liked them as well as
    the Hunger Game series. I am thankful
    for books. It is the place I go to get
    away from it all.

  3. I’m thankful to be in my lab, doing research and stuff for my thesis- even though it’s going really slow and I feel stuck. But it’ll be okay, I’ll get it done and graduate in a few months. God is with me. ^_^

  4. Love this post! All too often we forget that we have many things to be thankful for.

    I’m thankful for many things, but the top of the list if my best friend and my mom. And having a job, even if it’s not full-time like I need it to be. 🙂

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