I don’t like worship music and that’s okay

You’re not only in the melody

You’re in everything I breathe

You are all around me

I have not failed to find You

If I fail to meet You here

Worship is more than a song

You’ve made that abundantly clear

I wrote the above words in my journal several months ago. Y’know what I’m slowly coming to grips with? I don’t really like much worship music anymore.

Y’know what else I’m slowly coming to grips with? The fact that that’s okay.

Worship is more than a song, so why does it matter if I fail to “connect” in musical worship? I think I’ve made myself feel guilty if I don’t connect. I feel pressure when I go to church to connect with the music. And really, that’s no one’s fault but my own. If I’m letting myself be pressured to worship a certain way because of the people around me, then that’s my problem.

I’m not going to feel guilty anymore.

8 Replies to “I don’t like worship music and that’s okay”

  1. Worship is also more than emotions of “connecting” to God. Just because you don’t “feel” it doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you.

    If I can ask- why do you think you don’t like worship music? Is it because you prefer to connect with God in other ways besides music? Is it because a lot of popular Christian music all sounds the same and isn’t very deep? Is it because with your experience leading worship, it feels more like stress/pressure than worship?

    1. Great question. Part of the reason I started this blog was to figure out the answer to it. I used to LOVE worship music and all of a sudden I don’t. There’s a lot of answers that I’ve uncovered, and all of the reasons you stated above are some of the answers I uncovered. Some other reasons involve church drama, and also realizing that I used to make worship all about the musical high I got out of it. I’m sure I will uncover a few more answers on my journey. 🙂

  2. Good!! The guilt is not from God.

    John MacAuthur in his book “The ultimate Priority (on Worship) said “Worship is our inner most being responding with praise for all that God is; through our attitudes, actions, thoughts, and words, based on the truth of God as He has revealed Himself”

    He also said “Worship is all that we are, reacting rightly to all that He is”.

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