Is it artistic expression or just production value?

I’ve shared before about my struggle between the fine line of worship and performing. It’s hard to be up there and maintain that worship mindset when there are hundreds of people watching your every move. Sometimes we get so focused on the people that it turns into a big production. Flashy lights, fog machines, expensive amps… the list goes on.

But I am a strong believer in artistic expression being a form of worship. Creative people have gifts that they want to give back to God. Singers sing, dancers dance, painters paint.

So what about the sound and tech guys? Their job is full of chances for artistic expression.

I am not a fan of the fog machines and fancy lights and big concert-like worship. But those artistically placed lights are a way for that lighting person to glorify God. Who am I to judge him/her for that?

This is one of my struggles… keeping worship at the heart of worship and yet allowing everyone in the house of God a chance to share their gifts.

I know much of this lies in each individual person’s heart and their motives. That person planning the fancy show is probably truly doing it to glorify God. If that’s the case, then it’s my issue when I continually get hung up on production value. On the other hand, I’ve been around a few tech guys that made me uncomfortable. It seemed they only wanted to show off their vast knowledge and were completely hung up on themselves.

What are your thoughts on artistic expression vs. production value?

7 Replies to “Is it artistic expression or just production value?”

  1. Jamie, I believe everything we do should be worship, even our work. Sure, we foul that up, but that should be our aim. When I go to work, that should be worship. So shoukd be writing a blog post or performing or entertaining. I guess what I’m saying is thatcthere shouldn’t be a fine line. It should be both.

  2. When my husband was leading worship, he counted the tech & sound guys as part of the band. He worked very hard to make sure that they understood the direction and heart of the service and that their efforts were used to compliment not distract.
    Many times (it seems) that the tech guys and the band are on opposite teams and each have their own agenda.

  3. I guess the reason I get so confused about artistic expressions of worship (singing, dancing, painting, whatever) is that there’s no “right answer.” If I want to dance because it feels right, and other people think I look ridiculous, there’s no logical argument I can make to refute that- “ridiculous” is defined by each person individually.

    So my reason for bringing this up is that people are going to interpret a worship leader’s “performing” in different ways- some people might think it’s beautiful, some people might think it’s totally out-of-place.

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