Introverted Worship

I have made an eye opening discovery recently.

I am an introvert.

That’s not the discovery, I’ve known that for years. The discovery I’ve made is how it relates to worship and church.

I am an introvert trying to worship in an extroverted church.

I recently stumbled upon this blog and got so excited. I’ve been reading posts here and there and will be ordering the book. There are others out there just like me! As I’ve read a bit, I’m realizing how much the modern day church is built around the extroverted life.

I am not loud and boisterous and being around people that are exhausts me. It’s the same thing with worship. Being around loud, boisterous worshipers is kind of tiring. Some days (most days) I just want a quiet, simple, introspective sort of worship.

Would I rather worship in:

a) A big, full sanctuary filled with loud music and people clapping and jumping.


b) A quiet hike through a beautiful forest, alone with my thoughts.

I think I’ll take option b.

I have my extroverted moments, and sometimes I really enjoy loud music and being with people. But at the end of a long week where I’ve already spent all day long with people, I’d rather be alone. If I want to genuinely worship, I need quiet.

It explains why I so long for quiet from the church.

It explains why I often shut down when the music gets louder and I’m told to put my hands together.

Perhaps I’ve just been hard on myself, forcing myself to be comfortable in a situation that I simply cannot be comfortable in.

Question: How do you think the church can make introverts more comfortable and offer more introverted moments of worship?