
I’ve shared a couple songs that I’ve written here, and hope to continue to do so. However, not all my songs are going to involve worship and therefore will not fit here.

I’ve created a youtube channel to post all my attempts at songwriting. For those interested in my continued efforts, please visit my channel and subscribe.

Also, I’m honored to be “featured” on Save the Artist‘s website. This is a great site that seeks to encourage and inspire artists of all sorts: musicians, writers, photographers, illustrators, graphic designers; you name it. If you have a creative side, I’d encourage you to check out their site. While you’re there, check out the sweet post they put up about my first song, You Are. I did a double take when I read “up-and-coming songwriter.” Sometimes I feel like I’m still not a real songwriter, so I was honored to read this. Many thanks to their support of my work. If you have creative work that you’d like to contribute to their community page, let them know.

Thanks for your support!