Labor of Love

This week, someone commented about how he loves most all Christmas music; then he clarified to say that he loves OLD Christmas music. The classics. I tend to agree. Though Christmas Shoes was sort of cute and endearing the first couple times I’ve heard it, I can’t say it’s on my Christmas playlist.

I do agree… the old classics are where it’s at.

But as much as I love the old classics, I still love when musicians write fresh music to capture the Christmas story, and do it well. One of my recent favorites is written by Andrew Peterson and sung by Jill Phillips.

I love that this song captures what was likely the reality of the first Christmas. As much as I love the snow covered hills and cute little nativity set in my happy little barn, this is so far from the truth. It was dirty, it was hard, it was painful. I mean, the story involves a woman in labor. Nothing much peaceful about that.

I am also a sucker for songs that tell a story. Stories draw people in. I think this song tells the Christmas story in a beautiful, dramatic way. I hope you enjoy it.