A call to worship

This guest post comes from Scott Moore. Scott Moore is a coach, a writer, and a surf-a-billy guitarist. He blogs at www.TheCallOfMen.com. This post is an excerpt from his free ebook.


Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.

John 4:23

As I turn the key to unlock the door, I hear it – the scuttle of little feet in the room on the other side of the door. I open the door and step inside.


My children cheer and run at me like Dino greeting Fred Flintstone. They jump on me and claw their way over each other to get to be the first to hug me. It is the greatest feeling in the world. And it is the truest picture of worship that I have ever seen.

This is what worship should feel like. Little children run and jump into the loving arms of the One who loves them, provides for them, protects them, and cherishes them. The Giver of all good things, the Creator of the universe, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, the Alpha and Omega, our Father, Abba, Daddy. In the words of S. M. Lockeridge, “I wish I could describe Him to you…” (Do an internet search for “That‟s My King” for more of Pastor Lockeridge‟s incomparable description of Jesus – you will not be disappointed).

We were created to worship Someone. And we will worship either someone or something.

Be careful what you worship. What you worship you will serve.

 Chuck Swindoll

The man sits in the auditorium seat, comfortably listening to the Christian pop song being performed by this week‟s guest artist at the megachurch. It was a struggle to get the family to church this morning, as it is nearly every Sunday nowadays, it seems, but they made it. They missed the first two worship songs dropping the kids off in their Sunday School classrooms (Do they even call it Sunday School anymore?). The near Jumbotron-sized video screens show a close-up of the artist singing her song. She looks and sounds a lot like several of the artists that have been finalists on American Idol in recent years. The man‟s thoughts drift to the TV show for a moment as he is mesmerized by the giant monitor.

The pastor steps out onto the stage to preach. He‟s not really preaching though. This pastor is an ex-Hollywood actor, still has his own agent and is a member of the Screen Actors Guild. He half tells, half acts out a real “tug at your heartstrings” story, just like he did last week. He sure can reach an audience. As the man is driving home, anxiously anticipating the football game he‟ll be watching on his 48-inch plasma TV, he hears a still, small voice, “Scott.”

“Yes, Lord.”

“Could we spend some time together today? I miss the days when you would run and jump into my arms shouting, “Daddy!‟ I suppose you have grown up a bit since then – a Father likes to remember his children when they were young and He was their whole universe. Perhaps we could just talk? Maybe the whole family could join us. What do you say?”

3 Replies to “A call to worship”

  1. Oh yeah! 🙂 I think one thing missing from the church today is really knowing Jesus, not the social Jesus or the “rightly dividing the word” Jesus, but Jesus, the Man/God. If He walked into a room, would we know Him? When my heart is distracted, I know I don’t see Him so well.
    And when things just seems too much and I need prespective, Pastor Lockeridge’s “That‟s My King” is perfect. I can’t help smiling when I think about his message. Thanks for posting.

  2. I say I miss getting greeted like that.

    I would guess God misses our heart felt adoration and worship too. I also enjoy the sincere words of welcome home now as well even without the joyous jumping around. Do we even go to God with that sincere intent to connect?

    So often I go to get and to get wanting something or protection from something or to get.

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